Inside EFRA – Meet The Board: Krist Bultynck

It’s time to meet the EFRA’s Vice Electric Chairman, Krist Bultynck!

EFRA: Hi there Krist 👋🏻   How are you?

Krist: Hi, so far so good. Let us hope it will stay like this.

EFRA: Can you tell us in no more than 5 words the job you do for EFRA…?

Krist: 12th scale, homologation of bodyshells, optimising our hobby.

EFRA: Sounds good so far… So what’s the longer version?

Krist: Indeed, to describe such a thing in five words I have not succeeded. I am responsible for 12th scale section and I work in the electro on-road section together with Chris Hardisty. I am also the homologation officer for Efra for the inspection of the bodyshells. That is in the classes 1/12th, Touring Car electro, Front Wheel Drive electro, 1/8th scale nitro, 1/10th 200mm and 1/8th GT class. The homologation period ends at the end of February for the current year. But manufacturers or designers can send me their bodyshells to measure throughout the year. Of course with deadlines everything comes to a close and everyone still wants to be on the list for the coming year. In addition to all this, I work together with the board members on new ideas or improvements for the benefit of our sport.

EFRA: It certainly sounds like you’re kept busy! So what is your favourite class of RC racing?

Krist: The electro class has always been my class. I am still a bit active in the electro on-road class but as a hobby driver. So the choice is easily made but this does not mean that I do not admire the other existing sections.

EFRA: We’re fans of all the different types of racing here! Are you any good at racing?

Krist: I am almost 60 years old and my level is very average. I used to be Belgian champion in the Formula 1 class but I am mainly a hobby driver and always have been. I never had the ambition to reach international summits. I wasn’t good enough for that.


EFRA: Very few people can say they were F1 champion! So what is your proudest moment in RC?

Krist: I have had many good moments in this fantastic sport. But my best memory is in the Hudy Arena in Trencin in 2019. The European Championship took place there and in the Touring Car electro on-road especially in the Stock class my son Olivier Bultynck became European Champion. Fantastic moment to be able to achieve this at the highest level in Europe under the wings of EFRA.

Also the 4th place of Olivier on the Ifmar World Championship 12th scale in Milton Keynes in 2020 is a memorable moment which you experience as a father. Another thing that will always stay with me is the meeting in 1988 in Holland Baarle at the Ifmar World Championship 1/12th with mister Mike Reedy and legend but then still a noble unknown Masami Hirosaka.

EFRA: Meeting RC legends is a nice perk of attending EFRA races! Now, what can you tell us about you that we don’t already know?

Krist: I became the Belgian cycling champion in 1992. Of course, that was not with the pro riders. I raced every week in Belgium and France at the time.

EFRA: That’s amazing, what an accomplishment! What is your favourite sport outside of RC?

Krist: I like a lot of sports. But cycling, football, Formula 1, Formula E and MotoGP are my favourites.

EFRA: What was the last music you heard?

Krist: I am an avid music listener. I love AC/DC and the last one I listened to was Highway to Hell.

EFRA: Excellent, another rocker! 🤘 So, what else do you do to relax?

Krist: Going somewhere nice to eat and drink with my family and friends. Having a chat about everyday things and listening to my granddaughter’s adventures.

EFRA: What advice would you give someone wanting to compete in an EFRA Euros for the first time?

Krist: There is a big difference between giving advice to someone who is starting out in this sport or giving advice to someone who wants to participate in the European Championships. My advice would definitely be to be very well prepared. By this I mean that you have done everything to go to this competition in your best shape. Then once you are at your destination, do your best and especially enjoy the atmosphere, don’t be shy to ask advice from the more experienced drivers. And above all, do not set your expectations too high. I always tell most of them that it is a hobby and whether you win or you are 22nd, Monday is work day again.

EFRA: Preparation is certainly one of the most important things! So how did you become involved in EFRA

Krist: I got into this hobby in the early 1980s. First it was at club level and later at national level. I drove 1/12th and that was very popular in those days. Later I switched to Touring Car and also my son Olivier started to show interest in this sport. I met Frank Mostrey and we had a good relationship and I really admired what he was doing in this sport. He became my mentor and that is how I came into contact with EFRA, first as homologation officer of bodyshells and later as section chairman of 12th scale class.

EFRA: That’s quite a progression! Finally, what is the number 1 thing you would like to see in RC in Europe in the future?

Krist: In these times, this is not difficult at all. My wish is that everything comes back to how it was before, lots of races, lots of people around the track, lots of laughter and fun and above all, no more restrictions. And may everyone stay healthy and enjoy life.


Thank you very much Krist! And thank you to the entire EFRA Board for for all the work you do to keep RC Motorsport Europe gaining popularity and moving in the right direction! 😊


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