EFRA 2021 AGM Announcement

After a tough two years for racing and of course, more importantly for the wider world, we are all looking towards the future. For the RC Motorsport Europe community, we look forward to both the joy of the familiar – Just returning to international racing together! …and the excitement of progress with EFRA’s Development Plan.

As a democratic organisation, our AGM is at the heart of our progress. Though important meetings and discussions take place all year round to ensure the wheels of our sport keep turning, once a year we analyse together our handbook, rules and hear proposals for changes and events.

The 2021 EFRA AGM is set to take place in the first weekend of November and will be held online to ensure the widest possible attendance.

So at this time of the year, EFRA sends out Package One to all of our federations, in order to prepare for the AGM. So, if you have a well founded proposal to make, please get in contact with your Federation’s responsible person.

This package normally contains a form for new applications for future events.

We assume from our contacts with organisers/federations, that all the venues from 2021, are still willing to rollover their event to 2022.

If that is not the case, please inform us as soon as possible, or propose an alternative venue.


Also in Package One –

The committee positions that are up for re-election.
So please check out the following:

  • Information to read regarding Package 1:  
  • Committee Positions for 2021:

The proposal tool on the EFRA website is now open for you to propose new rules, or changes to the existing ones.

The tool will remain open till 31st of August.

For those who are not familiar to the tool, and have the permission from their federation, there is also a manual available on the proposal tab after login.

Stay tuned, stay safe, more information will follow!

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